• Learn every step for your journey to becoming a UK Doctor

    Never worry about not knowing or missing out any important detail in the process. Take courses for PLAB, speciality training, NHS jobs and more...

    • Self-paced learning
    • Courses made for desktop and mobile devices
    • From lived-in IMG Experience

    Who Are We?

    Two IMGs creating a community of learners

    Dr Ibreez Ajaz and Dr Ibrahim Ivan, are the founders of the Road to UK platform.

    There are 100+ blog articles covering working and living in the UK as medical doctors, which gets ~150,000 views/month.

    Their YouTube Channel contains in-depth videos and vlogs about the UK process, and their Facebook page and groups enables them to be in contact with and support a massive number of IMGs on a daily basis.

    Our Instructors

    Ibrahim Ivan

    4 courses
    1245 students
    Ibreez Ajaz

    Road to UK

    3 courses
    1883 students

    How do we design our courses?

    • All official guidance is scoured and information relevant to international medical graduates (IMGs) is clarified
    • Our personal experience is added with the personal experiences of others to enriches our courses.
    • We incorporate experience of numerous IMGs obtained via emails and feedback.

    Available Courses

    Category description

    Professional and Linguistics Assessment Board (PLAB) is the licensing exam taken for the registration with General Medical Council (GMC) of the United Kingdom. It's the most common pathway for international doctors to be able to practice medicine in the UK.

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    You will need an account to access the courses in our academy.

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